
Hussite Museum in Tábor

náměstí Mikuláše z Husi 44, 390 01 TáborHM-logo-caliche-red
Czech Republic

  • ID: 00072486
  • DIC: CZ00072486
  • CES: MTA/002-05-07/154002
Bank connection:
Česká národní banka Prague: 1339081/0710
IBAN: CZ91 0710 0000 0000 0133 9081 | BIC (SWIFT): CNBACZPP

Tour orders: orders

exposition The Hussites, Medieval Underground, Gothic Hall
The Old Town Hall in Tabor

tel.: 774 059 263

Tábor, the Fortress of the Righteous and the Royal Town, Kotnov Observation Tower Bechyně Gate, Kotnov Tower
tel.: 381 252 788
Memorial to Dr. Edvard Beneš, President of the Republic Dr. E. Beneš Memorial
tř. Dr. E. Beneš Rd. 1138, Sezimovo Ústí
tel.: 381 261 674
The E. Beneš Memorial and the Hussite Guard

Museum management

Mgr. Jakub Smrčka, Th.D. director, curator of historical collections, church historian, Hussitologist smrcka| tel.: 381 251 884 (operator) | mobile: 605 253 352
RNDr. Daniel Abazid deputy director for collections, head of the Blatské Museum, curator of natural history collections, botanist abazid| tel.: 381 523 421 | mobile: 734 570 330
PhDr. Zdeněk Vybíral, Ph.D. deputy director for scientific activities, head of the Historical Department, curator of historical collections, historian of older history, managing editor of the journal Husitský Tábor Chosen by| mobile: 739 468 408

Director’s section

director, curator of historical collections (church historian, Hussite scholar) Mgr. Jakub Smrčka, Th.D.
tel.: 381 251 884 (operator)
Mobile: 605 253 352
assistant, promotional officer, cashier, editorial www Bc. Kateřina Mikulandová
mobile: 734 232 158
internal auditor Ing. Irena Řežábková auditor
PEDS administrator and documenter
Digitalisation Coordinator
Bc. Pavla Pražáková pprazakov
Mobile: 734 570 332
documenter of collections records, curator Božena Pražáková prazakovaMobile: 778 495 161
documenter – photographer Zdeněk Prchlík prchlik
mobile: 731 560 579
Head of HM Libraries
curator of the collection of old prints
Mgr. Monika Vlasaková vlasakova
Mobile: 778 495 152
librarian Tábor Jindřiška Vacková Library
Mobile: 778 495 164
librarian Soběslav Jana Líkařová House of Rosenberg Soběslav
tel.: 381 523 421
Mobile: 778 495 157

Historical Department (HO)

deputy director for scientific activities, head of HO, curator of historical collections – historian of older history PhDr. Zdeněk Vybíral, Ph.D. Chosen by mobile: 739 468 408
curator, cultural historian
curator, historian of modern history, E. Beneš Memorial Mgr. Jitka Vandrovcová vandrovcovajMobile: 778 495 166
curator, historian of modern history, project History of Tábor Mgr. Lenka Vandrovcová
vandrovcovalMobile: 778 495 165
curator of art collections,
art historian
Mgr. Lenka Zajícová
zajicovaMobile: 778 495 167
Historian Mgr. Zdeněk Žalud, Ph.D. zalud
Mobile: 734 570 335

Department of Archaeology (AO)

Head of the AO, Senior Curator of Archaeological Collections, Archaeologist Mgr. František Janda janda
mobile: 731 560 597
archaeologist Mgr. Jiří Bumerl boomerl-eml
Mobile: 773 575 130
documenter, ceramics conservator Alena Novotná tel.: 381 251 884
documentator, exhibition manager, administration of ZAV (rescue archaeological research) contracts Mgr. Markéta Šálová
Mobile: 778 495 162
restorer, metal conservator, field technician Martin Mikula

Economic Department (EO)

Head of the EO, Budget Manager, Personnel Officer Ing. Zdeňka Marešová
Mobile: 778 495 156
accountant, property management officer Jana Štědrá stedra
Mobile: 778 495 163

Operations Department (PO)

head of the PO, technical officer, safety officer Jiří Pražák prazak
Mobile: 733 341 359
maintenance worker, construction worker Petr Albrecht
restorer of wood craft objects, conservator Tábor Jakub Nuhlíček, DiS. nuhlmail
Mobile: 778 772 939
restorer of arts and crafts objects made of wood, conservator Sobeslav Martin Kovář Smrčka’s House Sobeslavkovar
tel.: 381 524 853
mobile: 778 495 154
technical building and facilities management worker, construction worker Vit Vlasák vlasak
Mobile: 734 570 331
caretaker in Sobeslav Miroslav Kopic
Rožmberský and Smrčka’s House
caretaker in Veselí nad Lužnicí Jiří Fechtner Weis’s House Veselí n. Luž.

Department of Programmes and Exhibitions (OPE)

Head of OPE, museum educator Mgr. Kateřina Nimrichtrová
Mobile: 734 570 334
educator, guide Bc. et Bc. Prokop Janda

Mobile: 778 488 433

educator, guide Mgr. Magda Martinková
souvenir sales, guide, documentary Iva Brožová Old Town Hall, Žižkovo nám. 1, Tábor
tel.: 774 059 263
Mobile: 778 495 151
cashier, guide (NJ), lecturer,
Andrea Oudysová

Old Town Hall, Žižkovo nám. 1, Tábor
tel.: 774 059 263
Mobile: 778 495 159

souvenir sales, guide, lecturer, promotion Mgr. Ludmila Mikulová mikulova
tel.: 774 059 263
mobile: 776 015 257
souvenir warehouse, guide, guide Aj Marta Melicharová tel.: 774 059 263
Mobile: 778 495 158

Blatské Museum in Soběslav and Veselí nad Lužnicí

Petra Voka 152 (Rožmberský dům), 392 01 Sobeslav
tel. 381 523 421

  • Smrčkův dům Soběslav – nám. Republiky 107, 392 01 Sobeslav, tel. 381 524 853
  • Weis House Veselí n. Luž.: nám. T. G. Masaryka 111, 391 81 Veselí nad Lužnicí,
    tel. 381 583 376
Rozmbersky_dum_Sobeslav Sobeslav P6034239a
deputy director for collections, head of the Blatský Museum, curator of natural science collections – botanist RNDr. Daniel Abazid
House of Rosenberg
tel.: 381 523 421
mobile: 734 570 330
curator of natural history collections – zoologist Mgr. Miroslav Bažant

Rosenberg House mobile: 734 570 333

curator of ethnographic collections – ethnologist PhDr. Zuzana Čermáková, Ph.D.
Smrčka’s House
tel.: 381 524 853
Mobile: 778 495 169
curator of historical collections – cultural historian Mgr. Petr Šťovíček Weis House
tel.: 381 583 376
mobile: 734 232 159
documenter, head of the depository in Veselí nad Lužnicí, exhibition manager Vit Vlasák House of Rosenberg
tel.: 381 523 421
Mobile: 734 570 331
librarian, accountant, cashier Jana Líkařová House of Rosenberg
tel.: 381 523 421
Mobile: 778 495 157
cashier, documenter Lenka Jelínková
House of Rosenberg
tel.: 381 523 421
Mobile: 778 468 317
caretaker in Sobeslav Miroslav Kopic
Rožmberský and Smrčka’s House
caretaker in Veselí nad Lužnicí Jiří Fechtner
Weis House